CalendarApp Support Center
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Booking Schedule plugin for your Jimdo website
Create a booking Calendar for your website with only a few clicks. Manage all inquiries and bookings with our easily operable booking tool and benefit from many new advantages for your Jimdo website.The video takes 1:10 minutes
Display your calendar on Facebook
You can connect your calendar with your Facebook Fanpage and open the calendar in a seperate Facebook tab. The booking form will be added to facebook as well, giving your customers the ability to send their booking requests directly from within Facebook.The video takes 3:09 minutes
Creating and adding a booking schedule to your website
In this video we would like to show you how to create, adjust and change a calendar. Furthermore we will show you how to add said calendar to your website as an HTML snippet.The video takes 2:12 minutes
Individualize your email texts booking form booking calendar
Create a booking Calendar for your website with only a few clicks. Manage all inquiries and bookings with our easily operable booking tool and benefit from many new advantages for your Jimdo website.The video takes 4:39 minutes
How to set seasons and prices
Set prices (e.g. visitorss tax, cleaning, rental objecs and many more) and individual seasons for your calendarThe video takes 7:32 minutes
Add lunch breaks to your Hourly Calendar
In this video we will show you in a few steps how to enter lunch breaks into your Hourly Calendar. Download-Link Script The video takes 5:48 minutes
Creating invoices
With the CalendarApp you can generate an invoice from an existing booking or create a new invoice. It's as easy as it gets.The video takes 7:46 minutes
Style your calendar yourself
With our CalendarApp you can easily adjust the design of your calendar to your websiteThe video takes 4:53 minutes
Set contingents for your Hourly Calendar
If you want to allocate timeslots multiple times - for instance because you are offering 6 rooms or 3 bikes - you can create your calendar with contingents.The video takes 3:13 minutes
How do I create, cancel and re-activate a booking?
As always, this is extremely easy with CalendarApp. We show you how to do it in this video.The video takes 4:50 minutes
WordPress plugin for your booking schedule
WordPress is one of the most popular systems in the world designed to manage websites and blogs. Naturally we have created a plugin for you to use #CalendarApp wit #Wordpress. We show you how to do it step by step in our video.The video takes 3:48 minutes
User management for your Calendar
Create users and give them access to your #calendars. Every user gets their own login and can create, edit, confirm or delete bookings. Every user has their own dashboard. The contact page can be personalized with your data.The video takes 5:29 minutes
Customize header and footer of your emails
You can set an individual sender for all automated emails and upload your own logo for your email header. Furthermore, you can customize the logo background as well as all headlines and links of an email. After that, we show you how to use some basic HTML to adjust your email footer.The video takes 4:40 minutes
Booking schedule for your website
We have a suitable booking calendar for your website. Whether you need our Daily Calendar or Hourly Calendar, in this video we show you how easy you can incorporate them into your website.The video takes 2:33 minutesWhat is the CalendarApp and what can i use it for?
Can i also use CalendarApp if i do not rent out rooms, bikes, boats or other things? Are there more options?
CalendarApp can be used for anything that can be rented or scheduled. You can offer daily bookings i.e. for rooms or you can hand out hourly appointments, i.e. as a physio therapist, a personal trainer etc. . You can easily edited all the text fields exactly the way you need it.
Can CalendarApp also be used for appointments, i.e. by doctors or service providers?
Of course! CalendarApp can be used to manage appointments for doctors, therapists or anyone else handing out hourly appointments. Just choose the hourly calendar as an your option of choice. You can easily change the description of all fields to match your needs, which allows many different user scenarios.
Is there and iOS or Android App for the CalendarApp?
No, CalendarApp is a web based application. It works like a normal website. We have a mobile view, allowing you to use it also on your smartphone or tablet. In addition, you may download our Home Button for your smartphone or tablet. It allows you to access your CalendarApp like an app form your smartphone or tablet.
Website integration, text editing, languages
How do I integrate the HTML Code for the CalendarApp into my website?
Underneath the options of your respective calendar in your administration panel, you will find "HTML Code". Underneath that, you can copy the HTML Code for your respective calendar. Just paste it to the point in your website code in which you would like the CalendarApp to show up.We have a video that shows you how to setup a calendar and paste the code to a website right here:
Can I edit the layout of the CalendarApp to match my website?
Yes, you can. Go to "edit" in your administration panel and choose "Design". There you can edit colors, spaces, fonts and many other details. Watch our video to see how it works on YouTube:
How can I abolish the ads in my free CalendarApp?
The ads show up because you are using a free account. In order to stop the adds and/or setup more calendars or use more features, please upgrade to a paid account.
Can CalendarApp be adapted to my very specific needs?
We very much value your ideas and your feedback. If you have a special need, you are welcome to ask. If it is something we believe could also be helpful for other users, we will put it into our work list. If it is something that will probably only be useful for one user, we are sorry. CalendarApp is a standard tool. Developing it to the need of a larger number of users allows us to provide a useful tool to many users, which limits our options to create very specific solutions for few users. Like this we keep CalendarApp affordable.
How can i adapt the text in the automated e-mails to my needs?
It is very easy! On our YouTube channel, we have a step by step "how to" prepared for you:
How can i change the language of the calendar on my website?
You have that option with a paid account. When you have a paid account, you can change any text of each calendar completely to your needs. This applies to any language version and you can also add your own individual language version, in case we do not have your desired language version on offer yet.
CalendarApp for Wordpress, Joomla or Jimdo
is there a WordPress plugin for CalendarApp?
Of couirse we have a WordpRess plugin for you to integrate your CalendarApp calendar into your WordPresswebsite with ease. We have prepared a step by step video tutorial how to do that. You can find it here in our YouTube channel:
is there a Joomla plugin for CalendarApp?
Unfortunately we do not have a Joomla plugin by now. But you can nevertheless integrate CalendarApp into your Joomla site simply by pasting the respective HTML code for your calendar at the point in your code where you want it to appear. Watch our step by step video in our YouTube channel to learn how:
Is there a Jimdo plugin for CalendarApp
Yes, there is! Watch our step by step video tutorial about that in our YouTube channel:
Can i integrate CalendarApp into my individually built website?
Of course you can! All you need is two lines of HTML code that we provide for each calendar you have. Find more about this in our "how to" video on YouTube:
Using CalendarApp in facebook
Can I use CalendarApp simply with my facebook page without having my own website?
Yes, you can! You can connect CalendarApp to your facebook page very easily. To let you do that, we have developed a facebook tab for CalendarApp, which allows you to integrate CalendarApp into your facebook page with ease. Watch our video on YouTube to see how:
Administration and editing user data
How can i change my user name?
Please log inti your administration panel and choose "Account" -> "Profile". There you can edit your data.
How can i setup a new e-mail address for my CalendarApp?
Please log inti your administration panel and choose "Account" -> "Profile". There you can edit your data.
How can I delete my account?
If you want to delete your account, please log in into your administration panel. Choose "Account" -> "Profile". There you´ll find a button to delete your account. Be aware that the entire data connected to it will then be deleted and cannot be restored.
Administration of your bookings and of your CalendarApp
How does a booking request get to me?
Your booking requests will be sent to the e-mail address you specified for your account. If you want to double check or edit it, you find it in your administration panel under "Account" -> "Profile". The e-mail address can be found on the left. You can view or edit it there.
How can i cancel or eactivate a booking?
That´s easy. Watch our video tutorial about this in our YouTube channel:
How can I cancel a booking?
The option to delete a booking will only show up once you have canceled it before. So go to the details page of the respective booking after you canceled it. There you will find a red button, which allows you to delete the booking altogether. Note that all data about that booking will be deleted.
How can i cover multiple rental or service options I am offering?
Just use one calendar per item, i.e. if you rent out two apartments, you should have one calendar per apartment. If you are i.e. a physio therapist with two colleagues, set up one calendar per colleague. To use multiple calendars, you will need a paid account.
How can I inform a client through CalendarApp that I need to cancel the booking?
As sson as you cancel a booking in your administration panel, you´ll be presented with a popup in step 2. It shows you the e-mail which the system will send out after the cancelation. At this point, you may edit that e-mail to add some personal words in it. You may also prevent the e-mail from being sent out altogether at this point. Once you can confirm the e-mail, it will be sent.
Can I set rules for the amount of grown ups and/or kids per booking per calendar?
Yes, you can! Go to you administration panel, choose "Calendar", then "Options" on the right, then click "Edit". There you can set the number of grown ups and/or kids allowed per booking. You can also define seasons and pricings per season.
What does "reserved" actually mean?
Reserved has the same meaning as blocked at CalendarApp, meaning that the timeframe remains blocked until you either actively accept or refuse the booking.
Can i block non bookable timeframes myself?
Of course you can block periods of time and appointments. For this purpose we have a function "Block", with which you simply select the calendar and enter the period of time in which no booking is possible.
How can i use an alternative e-mail address for receiving my booking requests?
Go to "Account" in your administration panel and choose "Profile". On the left side, you´ll find the e-mail address to which we are sending your booking requests and which we use to communicate with you.On the right side, you´ll find the option to set the e-mail address which you want to use as the sender e-mail address for the e-mails which the system is sending out to your clients.
Can I display arrival and departure days a fully booked days?
Yes, you can choose that option in the settings of each calendar.
Can i setup a pricing model based on different seasons?
Yes, you can! You may define this for each of your calendars. Just go to the options of your calendar and choose the respective settings. In case you are planning to use multiple calendars using the same design, we advise you to setup one model calendar first and then copy this calendar with your desired settings for your other needs. You will then only have to edit the text in it, which is very easy.
Can i use CalendarApp to manage hourly rentals or appointments?
Yes, you can. Once you setup your calendar, choose the option for the hourly calendar. Please note that this decision is not reversible for that respective calendar.
Can i use CalendarApp to write my invoices for my clients?
Yes, you can! CalendarApp allows you to write an invoice based on any booking in your administration panel. Please make sure to setup all necessary data needed for that in your administration panel, i.e. issuers name, company register, account data, etc. The option to create invoices is only available with a paid account. You may upgrade at any time.
Can i add bookings manually into my calendar, i.e. bookings coming in by phone?
Yes, you can! It´s very simple. Go to your calendar in the administration panel, choose "options" and "new booking". There you can insert your new booking very easily.
Synchronise my CalendarApp with other booking platforms and export bookings
Can i synchronise CalendarApp with my Google Calendar?
Yes, you can! Once you setup your Google calendar, use the function "add URL" in order to add the URL of your CalendarApp to your Google Calendar. The Google Calendar will then take over all changes in the CalendarApp automatically.
Can i synchronise CalendarApp with the likes of or AirBnB?
For synchronization with other platforms and calendars we offer a standardized iCal interface. Any platform and any calendar that can read an iCal URL can import your calendar data. In the same way you can import data from other platforms and calendars into CalendarApp, if they offer an export via iCal-URL. So your data is always up to date on, or any other platform.
Can I export booking data form CalendarApp?
Yes, you can! Log into your admin panel, choose your calendar and chooses"Options" -> "iCal Export" in order to receive a data export in the very common iCal format.
Can bookings generated in other booking platforms be synchronised with CalendarApp automatically?
Yes, as long as these platforms or calendars offer an iCal URL. Then you can add the URL to your calendar and the CalendarApp will import the current data by itself. In your calendar, these imports are highlighted in colour and basic information about them is displayed.
The CalendarApp pricing model and the terms and conditions
Are there restrictions in the amount of bookings i can get?
No, there are no restrictions. We are here to support your success!
Does CalendarApp charge a commission fee per booking?
We are offering you a fair and transparent pricing model. You are only paying for the use of the tool itself. We do not charge any extra commission fees or any other hidden fees based on your bookings.
I am a company. Can I get an invoice that displays the VAT?
Of course we can issue an invoice for you that displays the VAT
How long am I bound to the contract?
We are offering a very effective tool at a fair price. To support our ongoing process of improving the tool for all our users, our paid accounts must bee booked for a minimum timeframe of 12 months and must be paid in advance. The contract is being automatically extended for another year if it has not been cancelled at least three months prior to it´s expiration date.
How can I get support for my CalendarApp?
For your paid account customers, we offer support vial e-mail with a response time between 24 and 48 hours. If you are using a free account, you may as well send us an e-mail and we will try to help you as soon as we can.
Apart from e-mail support, we are providing an FAQ list as well as video tutorials in our support section on our website and within the administration panel. You will find the most common questions answered there at any time.
Apart from e-mail support, we are providing an FAQ list as well as video tutorials in our support section on our website and within the administration panel. You will find the most common questions answered there at any time.
How am I being informed about updated?
As soon as we have something interesting to communicate about new options, functions or offers, we´re sending out a newsletter. Please sign up to our newsletter if you wish to be informed:
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